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Topic Recenti

Helix lt

Aperto da Bedrock, 15 Novembre, 2017, 11:55 AM

Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva


Citazione di: coccoslash il 03 Ottobre, 2018, 04:20 PM
L'aggravante però è che in due sale diverse, con diversi impianti, ho due rese molto diverse (a parità di patch).

Che dire? Io sento rese diverse nello stesso impianto in giorni diversi (con la GT100)...  mi riprometto sempre di controllare l'eqalizzatore sul mixer, ma va a finire che me ne dimentico!


È uscita la release 2.70. Hanno aggiunto il marketplace per comprare preset e IR.

Max Maz

Citazione di: Grom68 il 18 Ottobre, 2018, 04:50 PM
È uscita la release 2.70. Hanno aggiunto il marketplace per comprare preset e IR.

Soltanto questo?
Ancora oggi non capisco cosa siano esattamente la virtù e l'errore (FdA)


Citazione di: Max Maz il 18 Ottobre, 2018, 05:01 PM
Citazione di: Grom68 il 18 Ottobre, 2018, 04:50 PM
È uscita la release 2.70. Hanno aggiunto il marketplace per comprare preset e IR.

Soltanto questo?
decisamente no... :)

2.70 (Oct 2018) "The Marketplace Update"
New Features (Firmware 2.70)
Marketplace support—Marketplace is a new online destination that lets users purchase presets and impulse responses created by select third-party content gurus. From the lower left-hand corner of HX Edit, click "My Account" and then choose "Get More Presets..." or "Get More IRs..."
Three New Tuner Types—From the Tuner page, turn the Type knob to choose between "Fine" (color-changing needle tuner with fine tuning bar), "Coarse" (color-changing needle tuner with no fine tuning bar), and "Strobe". SEE IMPORTANT KNOWN ISSUE BELOW*
New Features (Helix Native 1.70)
Marketplace support—Marketplace is a new online destination that lets users purchase presets and impulse responses created by select third-party content gurus. From the lower left-hand corner Helix Native, click "My Account" and then choose "Get More Presets..." or "Get More IRs..."
New Features (HX Edit 2.70)
Support for HX Stomp
Marketplace support—Marketplace is a new online destination that lets users purchase presets and impulse responses created by select third-party content gurus. From the lower left-hand corner of HX Edit, click "My Account" and then choose "Get More Presets..." or "Get More IRs..."
Multi-device support—HX Edit now opens a new window when multiple Helix or HX boxes are connected. For example, if you have Helix Floor and your bass player has HX Stomp, you can now connect both and quickly and easily copy and paste individual blocks back and forth. Windows can also be manually opened and closed from the Devices pull-down menu
The tuner now accurately tunes notes down to 21.83 Hz (low F) for 5-string basses
HX Stomp only—Shortcut: If HX Stomp is in Preset or Snapshot mode, or FS3 in Stomp and Scroll mode has been assigned to something other than TAP/TUNER, you can now press ACTION and PAGE> together to open the Tuner screen
HX Stomp only—Shortcut: Press ACTION and <PAGE together to quickly toggle the Global Settings > Preferences > Snapshot Edits value
Bug Fixes
Helix Floor, Rack, LT only—A couple of amp models (including Cali Texas Ch 2) have their polarity reversed. When combined with another amp in parallel, this could cause phase cancellation — FIXED
Helix Floor, Rack, LT only—Amp > Cali Texas Ch 1 could gradually decrease in level when Mid and/or Bass parameters are set to 0.0 — FIXED
Helix Floor, Rack, LT only—Delay models with two Time parameters could sometimes reset note divisions when changing snapshots — FIXED
HX Effects only—Clearing or cutting a block on Path B from HX Edit could sometimes HX Effects to freeze when in stomp footswitch mode — FIXED
HX Effects only—Switching from a preset with a Split > Crossover block to a preset with a Split > A/B block could sometimes cause HX Effects to freeze — FIXED
HX Effects only—When EXP Position is set to Global, the expression pedal's position could not be recalled immediately after switching presets, which could cause undesired signals to pass through — FIXED
HX Effects only—In rare cases, exiting the Tuner could sometimes slightly adjust signal level and tone — FIXED
HX Effects only—When connecting both left and right inputs, exiting the tuner could sometimes cause the right side of certain effects blocks to not be heard
HX Effects only—In very rare cases, engaging a certain combination of footswitches while connected to HX Edit and then power cycling HX Effects could clear certain blocks — FIXED
HX Effects only—From HX Edit, copying and pasting an Output block over itself could sometimes paste Mixer parameters — FIXED
HX Effects only—Switching Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo > Tempo Select values while transmitting MIDI clock could sometimes result in sending incorrect tempi — FIXED
HX Effects only—After resetting Global Settings, Tap Tempo could become unresponsive while receiving MIDI Clock — FIXED
HX Effects only—HX Edit would not reflect the Looper > 1 Switch Looper's bypass status — FIXED
HX Effects only—Mixer parameter values could inadvertently be copied into new empty presets — FIXED
HX Effects only—Quickly changing snapshots from HX Edit could sometimes cause hardware and software to disconnect — FIXED
Known Issues
*IMPORTANT: The three new tuner types only appear for those registered users who didn't complain incessantly about Helix's previous tuner on social media. For those who did complain (AND WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE), the new tuner will be unlocked once you perform ONE of the following:
Post a photo of yourself on the Helix Facebook Group with the "><" logo written on your forehead in black Sharpie (washable magic marker is acceptable). The admins have been given the authority to unlock units with flagged serial numbers; assuming business hours, please allow 1-2 hours for the new tuner page to be unlocked (NOTE: You may have to restart Helix/HX for the new tuner page to appear)
Post a meme of Arnold Schwarzenegger from Kindergarten Cop yelling "IT'S NOT A TUNAAHH!" on either the Line 6 Helix—or—The Gear Page > Digital and Modeling Gear forum. Be sure to use the proper Impact font. Memes will not be judged for their artistic merit, although the spelling must be correct. Again, admins have been given the authority to unlock units with flagged serial numbers
If you'd prefer to participate silently, you may instead manually rename 47 presets "Patience is Key" (NOTE: Will not work from HX Edit; nor can you just copy one "Patience is Key" preset into 46 additional locations. You must manually rename each one. Once all 47 presets have been named correctly, the inspector [or FS5 on HX Effects] will read "Tuners unlocked!")
HX Effects only—When Tuner Type is set to "Strobe" and your string is waaay out of tune, the graphic tuner nodes may appear a bit glitchy
HX Effects only—In rare cases, moving an Impulse Response block from Path A to Path B can cause a second IR block to reset its impulse selection
Importing bundles containing Marketplace assets can take notably longer
When manually engaging a rebuild presets command (holding FS1+2 or FS2+3), Helix can appear to freeze even though it doesn't. Wait 15-20 seconds for the rebuild to complete and all is well
Loading a Distortion > Kinky Boost block can sometimes result in an audible thump
Wait, are you serious about the sharpie forehead, Schwarzenegger meme, and renaming 47 presets thing? No. This is why you always read the entire release notes
Assoluto promotore della massima "Ho le chitarre ma non le so suonare" :snob:
PRS C24 - Gibson LP CS R7 VOS + LP Custom Black - Fender Strato CS 61 + Tele CS Closet Classic - Ibanez RGR Prestige - BlackBeard Indie Dog
Helix Stomp +2x FRFR Focal Alpha 50
[img width=109 height=54]https://www.jamble.it/upload/


Molti bug fix per la HX ma per la floor e la ht solo un paio di migliorie agli ampli aggiunti con la 2.60 e delle migliorie al tuner, che per me andava già bene cosi. Io salto, vediamo la prossima[emoji6][emoji6]

Max Maz

Sto aggiornando.    ::)
Ancora oggi non capisco cosa siano esattamente la virtù e l'errore (FdA)

Max Maz

Ancora oggi non capisco cosa siano esattamente la virtù e l'errore (FdA)


"Si sapis, sis apis"

Max Maz

Citazione di: coccoslash il 18 Ottobre, 2018, 07:54 PM
Citazione di: Max Maz il 18 Ottobre, 2018, 07:34 PM
Fatto !!!

Rotta??  :laughing:

No caro, tutto perfettamente a posto.
Per quello che puo' fa il massimo come sempre. ::)
Ancora oggi non capisco cosa siano esattamente la virtù e l'errore (FdA)


Citazione di: Max Maz il 18 Ottobre, 2018, 08:25 PM
Citazione di: coccoslash il 18 Ottobre, 2018, 07:54 PM
Citazione di: Max Maz il 18 Ottobre, 2018, 07:34 PM
Fatto !!!

Rotta??  :laughing:

No caro, tutto perfettamente a posto.
Per quello che puo' fa il massimo come sempre. ::)
La mia allora è rotta forever.
Ho perso ancora i timpani ieri in sala... Faccio ancora un tentativo con dei presets che ho trovato.........
Più boh
"Si sapis, sis apis"

Max Maz

Ci sto suonando anche adesso alle prove.  :-\
Ancora oggi non capisco cosa siano esattamente la virtù e l'errore (FdA)


Citazione di: Max Maz il 18 Ottobre, 2018, 09:42 PM
Ci sto suonando anche adesso alle prove.  :-\
Hai la spia davanti o usi solo le due casse dell'impianto?
"Si sapis, sis apis"


Citazione di: Max Maz il 18 Ottobre, 2018, 07:34 PM
Fatto !!!
Tu fai il backup anche dei preset factory o si ricaricano da soli?

Max Maz

Citazione di: coccoslash il 18 Ottobre, 2018, 10:14 PM
Citazione di: Max Maz il 18 Ottobre, 2018, 09:42 PM
Ci sto suonando anche adesso alle prove.  :-\
Hai la spia davanti o usi solo le due casse dell'impianto?

Casse dell'impianto e niente più.
Ancora oggi non capisco cosa siano esattamente la virtù e l'errore (FdA)

Max Maz

Citazione di: Grom68 il 18 Ottobre, 2018, 11:08 PM
Citazione di: Max Maz il 18 Ottobre, 2018, 07:34 PM
Fatto !!!
Tu fai il backup anche dei preset factory o si ricaricano da soli?

Faccio sempre il backup per sicurezza ma fino ad oggi non ho avuto problemi e si ricaricano da soli.
Ancora oggi non capisco cosa siano esattamente la virtù e l'errore (FdA)

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