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Topic Recenti

Allan Holdsworth R.I.P.

Aperto da Fidelcaster, 17 Aprile, 2017, 01:35 AM

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Allan Holdsworth, 1946-2017 | GuitarPlayer

Se n'è improvvisamente andato uno dei più grandi chitarristi di sempre, considerato un modello e un'ispirazione (quando non copiato più o meno goffamente) da innumerevoli colleghi, da Eddie Van Halen a Pat Metheny.

Una delle cose più rock/commerciali che Holdsworth avesse mai inciso, e di cui diceva di vergognarsi, mentre tanti altri ne sarebbero stati orgogliosi (al basso e alla voce un altro musicista recentemente scomparso, John Wetton). Il brano risale al periodo in cui adoperava ancora la leva del vibrato, che poi smise di usare perché tutti si erano messi ad imitarlo:


Max Maz

Ancora oggi non capisco cosa siano esattamente la virtù e l'errore (FdA)


Non posso dire di averlo ascoltato moltissimo.
Ho solo I.O.U. e All night wrong ma, per mio evidente limite, non sono mai riuscito ad ascoltarlo intensamente.

Un grande senz'altro che prima o poi proverò ad approfondire come merita.



Davvero un grande chitarrista. Come Elliott non sono riuscito sino ad oggi a studiarlo per bene ma dovro' rimediare.

Ma si sa di cosa è morto? Pare sia stata inaspettata.
Think jazzy, love bluesy and live rock !


Notizia davvero triste... un grandissimo che se ne va.
Non sempre la realtà dei fatti è affascinante, ma cercare di ignorarla è poco saggio.


Io di fusion ne ho sempre ascoltata pochissima. Da teenager ascoltavo invece molto prog, soprattutto quello originale degli anni '60-'70, ma anche il "neo prog" anni '80 e un po' il "prog metal" anni '90. Certo prog inglese degli anni '70 andò a poco a poco "fusionizzandosi", e in quel contesto scoprì e mi innamorai del modo di suonare di Holdsworth. Si trattava di un contesto di compromesso per lui, che non per niente rimaneva in una band per uno, due album e poi non ne poteva più; tuttavia ebbe modo di incidere in quegli anni delle parti (prevalentemente solistiche, dato che si trattava di gruppi con tastieristi) di chitarra che nella mia adolescenza sono stati i miei "sogni proibiti", o forse dovrei dire i miei "cavalli di battaglia" di virtuoso dell'air guitar:D

Holdsworth non solo aveva un suono e una fluidità che gli permettevano di riprodurre sulla chitarra gli sheets of sound di John Coltrane, e concezioni armoniche molto avanzate, basate anche sullo studio della musica classica del Novencento (a quanto ho letto, in particolare della scuola di Vienna di Schoenberg, Berg e Webern), ma sapeva suonare in modo estremamente melodico, lirico, con uno dei vibrati più belli e unici mai sentiti da un chitarrista.



Questo invece è Holdsworth che si paga l'affitto suonando blues rock nel 1972:


Moreno Viola

Anche se lo preferivo nelle sue incursioni più "terra terra" e da lui rinnegate con decisione (atteggiamento che fatico a comprendere), credo sia stato un musicista influente anche quando il suo linguaggio si faceva esageratamente (almeno per me) colto.
Piccola curiosità. Conosco un tizio che comprò "Metal Fatigue" convinto che gli Allan Holdsworth fossero una band ma aspettandosi tutt'altro ne rimase molto deluso.
Facemmo uno scambio e io gli cedetti un album degli Atrophy (una thrash metal band certamente minore) e lui mi diede invece il lavoro di questa noiosa cricca chiamata Allan Holdsworth.  ;D
Chi semina vento, raccoglie tempesta.


Lui avrebbe voluto suonare solo la sua fusion, perciò probabilmente vedeva le incursioni in altri generi come dei compromessi. Ma pare fosse anche terribilmente autocritico e scontento di praticamente tutta la sua produzione.  :etvoila:


Certamente un musicista immenso. Robe 'insuonabili' , almeno per me .. ma che "manone" aveva ?
"Chi è lento all'ira è migliore di un uomo potente, e chi controlla il suo spirito di uno che cattura una città." Proverbi 16:32
"La lingua mite può rompere un osso." Proverbi 25:15



Citazione di: http://www.truthinshredding.com/2017/04/allan-holdsworth-dead-at-70-one-worlds.htmlI am deeply saddened to hear the news about my friend and musical guitar genius Allan Holdsworth's death.
I loved him. I'll never forget the first time I heard him was on Jean-luc Ponty's Enigmatic Ocean. His solos and tone on the first tune and that album are what stands in my mind as some of the most beautiful brilliant guitar playing ever recorded. From there I went on to discover more and more amazing guitar playing with Tony Williams Lifetime and his solo albums were mind-bending. I was about 17 at this time. A kid from Canberra, Australia and by this time had been playing guitar since I was 5 or 6 yet I had absolutely no idea what he was doing and I had absolutely no idea how to even begin playing like that. He quickly became a genius I classified as inimitable.

I loved what he stood for. I loved his uncompromising musicality and innovation on the guitar. He carved a path where no one had gone before. To lead is MUCH harder than to follow. He led. He led multitudes of guitar players and indeed players of all instruments into wildly new possibilities. He bent our ears. His music was deeply complex, like an Einstein equation on a blackboard that often times left most listeners bewildered, confused, uncomfortable, disoriented....but for those of us who had spent many years playing and studying music, revering those unique humans that go far beyond what we think is possible, we got it!

I wrote Allan a letter many years ago praising him as highly and as eloquently as I could because, I got it. I wanted him to know that I got it and I told him, because I wanted him to know, that what he had achieved was brilliant, genius, art in its highest and purest innovative form and that I loved him for it. I told him also that, whether or not the world, that often celebrates talentless, insipid, pointless and over-hyped pseudo music genius', understood or valued his greatness, I most certainly did. We had a deep understanding and mutual respect for one another.

He was a gentle, self-deprecating fellow who was full of the British quirky wit. My first encounter with him was on my first Elektric Band tour. I was new (1986). Allan Holdsworth Trio was opening for us every night of the tour. So I had to go on after his genius guitar playing every night. It was an incredible trial by fire for me. I was a huge fan even back then and was in awe of him really. Alan was so funny and me, being Australian, we had an instant rapport, the ice was quickly broken and it led to decades of paths crossing.

None was more special than the "Truth In Shredding" album. The title was named by Mark Varney, the label owner, who was a huge fan of both Allan and myself. His dream was to put us together on an album. We both hated the title...shredding indeed! Anyway, the album deal stipulated that Alan and I must play a solo of at least 3 minutes in length on every track. I had to time the solo chord sequences and count choruses to add up to over 3 minutes...anyway, it was a great experience working with him and mixing and watching his process. He was the most meticulous person with tone. He had no problem tweaking for hours on a solo tone. A true perfectionist and master of audio as well as the guitar and music.

I remember being inches away from his hands on the guitar and thinking to myself, what on Earth are you playing? I couldn't even understand it even from that kind of proximity. It was as if an alien had landed from another planet. He would often say the same thing about me and every time he did I would throw it right back at him. This would pretty much be our banter and how we greeted each other every time we saw each other. A back-and-forth of praise. "Allan you're a genius!
He'd say: "No you!
Me: "No, no...YOU!
Alan "No YOU"...etcetera, and then laughter and hugs.

He could play through ANY chords, even 10 chords a bar like a hot knife through butter.
All those genius chords, chord-melody, heads to his compositions were truly like modern Classical music and then he would proceed to solo over them in a truly other-wordly way. His linear playing was as spectacular as his chords. No one plays like him, many have tried imitating him, but no one really came close. He was way ahead. Way ahead. Still is. Maybe in 50 years from now, when the world catches up, people will appreciate him more. I hope so. He was sadly under-compensated throughout his time on this planet.

Sadly, like many under-appreciated geniuses in this world, he died penniless. It hurts my heart to know this. So sad that the world couldn't support such a great artist while he was alive! There is a crowd -funding link below to support the family for the memorial services.
Please give generously, I will be.

Allan, you will be missed. NAMM 2017 was the last time I gave you a BIG hug and told you how great you are. Sadly I won't have more opportunities to do that.
Your legacy will live on through your music and the influence you have had on the music community. My deepest condolences to his family and loved ones.
Rest in peace my brother in arms.

Frank Gambale

Allan Holdsworth Family Memorial by Greg Beaton - GoFundMe

Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and Others Pay Tribute to Allan Holdsworth | Guitar World

Cris Valk

Anche EJ porge i suoi omaggi da FB...
Sometimes I wish I'd never been born at all...



Fortunatamente il crowfunding per finanziare il funerale di A.H. (che è morto senza un soldo, e anche la famiglia pare non navighi nell'oro) ha raccolto già quasi 100000$.


E' incredibile la "legge del mercato" : certi musicisti di uno spessore mostruoso fanno la fame .. mah ?!  :sconvolto:
Ora, fosse per me i miliardari non esisterebbero proprio, a prescindere dal "mestiere" che fanno, ma che uno così finisca a chiedere soldi per il funerale .. c'è da farsi qualche domanda..
"Chi è lento all'ira è migliore di un uomo potente, e chi controlla il suo spirito di uno che cattura una città." Proverbi 16:32
"La lingua mite può rompere un osso." Proverbi 25:15



Citazione di: Vu-meter il 18 Aprile, 2017, 09:38 AMfosse per me i miliardari non esisterebbero proprio, a prescindere dal "mestiere" che fanno, ma che uno così finisca a chiedere soldi per il funerale .. c'è da farsi qualche domanda..

Ho corretto la tua frase.  :D


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