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Topic Recenti

Chitarristi, chitarre & aneddoti

Aperto da Elliott, 12 Settembre, 2017, 09:34 AM

Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva


Spesso mi capita di leggere aneddoti curiosi, relativamente a chitarristi e le proprie chitarre.
Essendo io amante degli aneddoti - ho pensato di aprire un topic dove raccoglierli.
Chiunque voglia contribuire, è il benvenuto (citare sempre la fonte, per favore ::) )

Io comincio riportandone un paio:

Rory Gallagher

CitazioneDonald Gallagher: While on a guitar shopping therapy session in downtown LA, we went into a store called Guitar Village, after a few minutes of the other customers blasting the same guitar riff over and over through mega amps, my head caved in and I told Rory I was going outside to feed the parking meter. Inadvertently, I had parked in front of a pawn-shop so, as an excuse to stay out of the 'cacophony canyon', I entered the shop to inquire about the Gretsch guitar wedged into their window.
"That'll set you back $75" the keeper told me from behind his cell like grill, "You wanna look?" "Not sure I can afford it anyway" I haggled, with no intention of buying it but to waste time. "What you wanna spend?" "Around $50" I replied. Unknowingly I left the shop with a rare Gretsch 'Corvette' and put it in the car.
"No luck" Rory said when he finally returned to the car. "I picked something up, but if its no good the case will come in handy" I said and showed Rory what I had bought. "You're kidding, how much?" he asked "$50" I said meekly "Quick let's get out of here before they find out what they gave you and want it back" Rory said with glee.
The guitar would become a Rory favourite and would travel in Guitar Trunk 1 thereafter.

Citazione"I remember the incident happening in Dublin. Just the sheer horror of it! What made it doubly bad is that a friend of Rory's in York lent Rory his Telecaster® for an upcoming gig in Dublin. To play in Dublin was the next big step for Rory at the time, so he borrowed this Tele so he could play slide. Sadly, they stole the Tele® as well. That whole week felt like someone we knew had been kidnapped. It was that profound! Rory was so depressed. And, as family, you'd take on the depression as well."
"In Ireland at the time, there was a television show called "Gardia Patrol." They featured Rory's stolen guitar. And, since there was only one television channel in Ireland - everyone watched and the item became hot property. The next thing that happened was the cops found that it had been abandoned. We were very grateful. But, at the same time, when they aired the recovery on "Gardia Patrol," the cop said, "The thief was probably doing the neighbors a favour!" The corny comment made Rory cringe. I remember screaming at the television, "If you only knew how good this guitar player is!" But, Gardia Patrol was instrumental in getting it back to him."


Alvin Lee

CitazioneWhat are some of your more prized pieces of gear, the things you'd rush to save from a fire, for instance?
My Martin acoustic. I bought it in New York in 1970, and the guy gave me a receipt for $150 for the customs. I walked into the "something to declare" channel and showed the guy the receipt. He opened the case and said, "A Martin guitar with Grover machine heads for $150?" I had found the only customs man who was a musical-instrument expert. Four hours later, I walked out with my Martin having paid a fine, a penalty and having had to buy it back. Ever since then, I've used the "nothing to declare" channel

Gear Talk with Former Ten Years After Guitarist Alvin Lee | Guitar World


"Chi è lento all'ira è migliore di un uomo potente, e chi controlla il suo spirito di uno che cattura una città." Proverbi 16:32
"La lingua mite può rompere un osso." Proverbi 25:15



Ecco un estratto della storia della ES-175 ritrovata di Bill Frisell:

CitazioneIn 1978, just prior to moving to Belgium, he sold the ES-175 to a Boston area music store for around $400. "I was so stupid," he says. He immediately felt pangs of regret. When he returned to the States, he returned to the Harvard Square music store to seek out his old archtop. The store was out of business.
"So much stuff happened with this guitar," the musician says. "Jim Hall had his hands on it, Johnny Smith had his hands on it."
Not much is known about how the ES-175 found its way to Seattle, around 12 miles from Frisell's current home, from that store in Boston nearly 40 years ago. But one thing is certain, Frisell won't be parting ways with it anytime soon.


La frase che ogni medico dovrebbe esporre nel proprio stidio ed ogni moglie dovrebbe leggere :D

CitazioneDonald Gallagher: While on a guitar shopping therapy session in downtown LA, we went into a store...


Citazione di: Elliott il 18 Settembre, 2017, 10:42 AM
La frase che ogni medico dovrebbe esporre nel proprio stidio ed ogni moglie dovrebbe leggere :D

CitazioneDonald Gallagher: While on a guitar shopping therapy session in downtown LA, we went into a store...

:laughing: :laughing: :D

Purchè si aggiunga a "guitar" anche "amplifier and effect" ...  :sarcastic:
"Chi è lento all'ira è migliore di un uomo potente, e chi controlla il suo spirito di uno che cattura una città." Proverbi 16:32
"La lingua mite può rompere un osso." Proverbi 25:15



La Pink Strat che leggenda narra Hendrix abbia regalato a Bill Gibbons, durante un tour in cui Gibbons con i suoi Moving Sidewalks apriva i suoi concerti "questo ragazzo ha un gran potenziale e questa chitarra suona troppo bene per essere bruciata"

Qui un racconto in italiano
JIMIHENDRIX Italia: Billy Gibbons degli ZZ Top racconta di Hendrix

CitazioneIn 1967, an 17 year-old Billy Gibbons went on a short, four city tour through Texas with his band, Moving Sidewalks, in support of the Jimi Hendrix Experience. Hendrix was impressed with the young guitarist, so much so that, as legend has it, he gave the young Texan the Pink Stratocaster he'd been playing for the past few months and named Gibbons one of the best guitarists in the U.S. Not long after, while Moving Sidewalks was touring in support of the Doors, Gibbons met bassist Dusty Hill and Drummer Frank Beard. The Trio would come together in 1969 to form ZZ Top, one of the most iconic American bands of the rock and roll era.
Da: Rig Report: the Guitars of Billy Gibbons | Tone Report


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