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Topic Recenti

(Ancora su) Fender e Polytone

Aperto da Fidelcaster, 24 Novembre, 2016, 09:11 AM

Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva


In questo thread viene spiegato chiaramente perché sono tanto diversi (come già detto altre volte).

Per quanto riguarda un Polytone:

CitazioneIt has a Baxandall tone stack, which differs from the typical TMB (treble middle bass) tonestack.

The short version is, a baxandall eq can actually get a flat response (hence the strong midrange of the poly). Even if you turn a TMB tonestack to zero, it can never get flat. You can simulate a TMB tonestack on a baxandall eq by boosting the bass and treble (giving you the "smiley face" eq.

That is only part of the magic to a polytone however. It uses older ic's which tend to have a warmer less hi-fi sound, as well as several circuit component values that differ from what you typically see. Small sealed cabinet filled with fiberglass. etc. etc. All these design voices add up to the poly sound. Also I have found that recording via the main out capture much of the character of the amp, which leads me to believe the magic has more to do with the preamp than the power amp.

Mentre per quanto riguarda i Fender:

CitazioneThe Fender tone stack is interactive. 0,0,0 actually passes no signal. The flat signal on a twin is ( bass, middle, treble) 0.5, 7, 0,5. I mention it because it isn't intuitive. There, it sounds like a warm, flat amp.

Interessante il fatto che il Polytone ha il cabinet riempito di fibra di vetro. Avevo letto che, quando usa i Roland JC120, Pat Martino ne riempie i cabinet (con delle coperte, mi pare).

Max Maz

Ancora oggi non capisco cosa siano esattamente la virtù e l'errore (FdA)


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